On Saturday, Judah, our baby, turned 4 years old. It is nearly impossible that this child should be four. I don't have any idea of where the time has gone. Cliche, I know, but it is so true. I am so glad to be out of the threes with all of my kids (although I wouldn't hesitate to have more kids to go through the threes with. Just sayin').


2010 (Someone was introduced to Home Alone!)

2011 before we left WA

Dear Judah,
Wow! You have been incredibly patient as you've helped all of us in our family celebrate our birthdays! First Mommy's, then Daddy's, then Jayden's, then Josiah's! Now you finally get to celebrate your birthday and as we are apt to do in our family: we'll celebrate in little ways all week long! On your birthday DAY we went to Sea World (yay for season passes!) and McDonald's for lunch and then on to have cake AND brownies with cousins who are in town. Birthday presents were of the Thomas and Cars 2 variety with a little Captain America thrown in for a kick!
Judah, you are a delight to your Mommy and Daddy. You have Daddy's sense of humor and are always worried whether I am "happy to you". Baby boy, I couldn't be any happier "to you" than I already am! You make me smile on days when I'm overwhelmed and think that I canNOT do one more thing. Yet, you raise those crazy eyebrows and tell me some ridiculously hilarious plot and I suddenly have to just squeeze you and kiss your sweet cheeks!
I hope you will find your delight in the Lord, dear Judah, and that He will make you smile. We know that all good things come from our Father, and you are one of those very good things that He has blessed my life with. I love you, Judah-boy!
Happy Birthday Judah!