Monday, January 11, 2010

Bible in 90 Days--A Check-in

Well, as I mentioned, I'm still behind, but I'm getting closer to being caught up. I'm just starting Leviticus, so I'm about 3 days behind. Yesterday, I was able to have a marathon reading time between morning worship and evening worship and I even squeezed in a nap! Ironically, I was reading through a lot of Exodus yesterday, and one of the main commandments that kept repeating over and over was "Keep the Sabbath holy." Even though I've never liked doing "work" on Sundays, sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the hurry-hurry of our world and forget about the Sabbath rest. God rested and He said it was a good thing, so I plan to be much more intentional about resting on our Sabbath (Sundays). With three boys, that "resting" won't always include a nap, but it can include intentional "down-time." Of course, that means that I have to be more diligent during the week to get everything done that I need to. I think that will be the hardest part...being diligent!
By the way, I'm completely inept at these skills of linking and "blah, blah, blah" so I'm attempting to link up with Amy at Mom's Toolbox. You can check it out and see how others are doing on their reading. If you have a blog of your own, you can link up or you can leave a comment here as well as at Mom's Toolbox.
(hey, look, I might have done this right!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jana
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a wee note of encouragement. I'm so with you even a little behind I'm still reading the Bible, attentively, all the way through so yay!

    Thanks for the wee lift. As I say a simple prayer for you my sister-in-God, I'm reminded that whilst we live half-a-world away from one another, we're family and so loved by our Father and so blessed by a book we can both read together (and with so many others to) - how awesome and great is our God.


Leave a (nice) note!