We've arrived in San Antonio, and boy, it's hot! Since we've arrived and for the next few days or weeks, we'll stay in hotel until we find a house to rent. The hotel has an outdoor unheated pool and the boys have been insistent that they be allowed to go swimming. We've been here since Wednesday night, and today, we acquiesced, only so they would realize that even though it's stinkin' hot outside, the water is not quite warm enough. We've told them and told them, but in this case, experience was the best teacher. After swimming for a bit, Josiah's lips were blue and he said, "Why would anyone want to swim in that???" Hmmm. I don't know. But one thing we do know, Daddy is a better daddy than I am a mommy! He went in with them, so Judah and Jay could go into the "deep" end (5 ft.).

After a quick shower and a wrap up in robes, they're warming up!

We enjoyed worshiping with other believers this morning, but we did miss our church in WA. This church has AWANA, so Josiah is kind of interested in being a part of that which is kind of surprising, but he had visited AWANA with a friend in WA, so maybe since he kind of knows what to expect, he might not be so intimidated. He has decided that he wants to live in Texas forever. He might have gone too far though when he said, "I like the Longhorns." I told him to get out of the van. I don't kid about these things. If he's not going to be an OU fan, he can root for A&M, but UT? Wars have started over less.
What's new in SA?